La Cocina VA - Arlington, Virginia

I would love to do more projects like this!
Riggs Gallery - Baltimore, Maryland

Wonderful Wool was my 2022 Thesis Project, which included this exhibition. My goals for this project were to educate viewers (who have no fiber background) about wool, where it comes from, what it looks like and feels like, and how it gets processed to turn into the clothing we wear today.
I included illustrated infographics, animation, and ‘real life’ examples of wool to touch and experience. All elements of this exhibit were installed in such a way that each piece can be repurposed or reinstalled later.

This mural explores vulnerability, and the ways we armor ourselves against violence (physical, verbal, sexual, etc.). One of the most vulnerable parts of ourselves, the groin, is being displayed without fear as their armor is breaking away. Far from displays of sexuality, these bodies have an innocence, bravery, or, perhaps, naivete. They are dancing without fear of sexual violence or unwanted advances or gaze. The piece’s title, “Breaking Free” reinforces this concept.
The mural was installed at the Maryland Institute College of Art for our annual show, Image Harvest 2021.
I designed the images and laid out the mural on the wall, and with the help of my classmates painted the mural in one day.